Due to budgetary constraints across the University, the River Campus Libraries has carefully identified $500k in permanent cost reductions to our collections, notably our subscriptions. This permanent reduction is intended to help support the University’s response to the $7 million structural deficit in AS&E. We are working diligently to ensure your access to resources is minimally affected, and we seek your input to ensure we make appropriate adjustments that consider your teaching and research needs. We are grateful for your feedback on this effort.
Our expert team of specialists are committed to ensuring your access to scholarship through cost mitigation, resource review, and access strategies. We cannot avoid canceling resources and journals in this process, but we will make every effort to ensure cancellations are properly managed and communicated. You can keep up with our efforts in real time through a variety of channels, including the Library’s Sustainable Scholarship webpage which features ongoing updates on our process.
We will provide two additional full-faculty email updates as proceed with this summer review - watch for one in early June to alert you to the lists of identified resources for your review and again in Mid-July with a link to the finalized list. The review must be completed by mid-July in order to ensure our contractual obligations that govern subscription resources.
At any point during this process you can provide feedback and input through your department’s designated Outreach Librarian. As your library liaison, a member of Outreach will be following up with you after this email.
If you have questions or input on collection strategies you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact Lindsay Cronk, River Campus Libraries’ Head of Collection Strategies and Scholarly Communications. If you're interested in learning more about the library's negotiations and strategies we encourage you to sign up for our discussion sessions.
Thank you, in advance, for your good will and understanding.
Mary Ann Mavrinac
Vice Provost and Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Dean
University of Rochester Libraries